Ed Stahl


How did you get interested in travel? 

When I was in high school, my buddy Phil drove right past the entrance to the school. When I pointed it out, he said, “We’re not going to school today. We’re going to Florida.” I called my mother that evening from Virginia to break the news, and she responded, “Have a good time!” I have been traveling the world – and having a good time-- ever since.

Favorite city or country? why? 

San Francisco, although before I came to the Bay area it was Munich.

Best or most interesting travel experience

I haven’t had that yet.

Ever met anyone famous?

On a flight to Washington, DC last year Orrin Hatch was my seatmate. 


Likes: good Samaritans around the world

Loathes: “ugly Americans”

Favorite food: lobster


Favorite restaurant:  Old Swiss House in Lucerne; they have the best wienerschnitzel

A place that you could visit over and over again and not get bored? why? 

Antarctica: it’s interesting, remote, and you can have fun communing with penguins, whales and other wildlife.

The most unforgettable view you’ve ever seen 

Flying in the Concorde to London, where you could actually see the demarcation line between night and day


A place you’ve never visited but really hope to get to:

Tasmania – look for an upcoming group trip with Travel Advisors soon!

Dorothy Burke

Office Manager

How did you get interested in travel? 

As a 19-year-old student I went with a college group to study in then-Yugoslavia, then under Tito’s rule. It was the first time I’d left the good old USA, and it made an impression. I then visited Italy, Spain and Morocco, and have traveled ever since.

Favorite city or country? why? 

Unites States of America – Perhaps one has to travel out of the US to realize what a wonderful country America is.​

Best or most interesting travel experience

Kissing the Blarney Stone in Ireland. NOT an easy task!

Ever met anyone famous?

I met James McArthur, “Book ‘em, Danno!” from the original Hawaii 5-O. I got to hold his mother’s (Helen Hayes’) Oscar. Was it heavy!

Likes: Creativity, breathtaking scenery, learning new things

Loathes: Lying, rudeness, condescension

Favorite food: Prime rib – medium rare, please

Favorite restaurant: La Forêt in Almaden. It was my father’s favorite restaurant, and it reopened again this fall. I’m saving my money to go enjoy it again.

Elfi Anderson

Travel Agent

How did you get interested in travel? 

My father loved to travel and always took us on exciting trips. The most memorable was a six-week driving trip from Germany to the Black Sea, which was then part of the Eastern bloc still under Communist rule.

Favorite city or country? why? 

Cape Town, South Africa because it’s the most vibrant city with a beautiful harbor, stunning Table Mountain, diversity, the best food, the Christian Barnard Museum and the V & A Waterfront.

Best or most interesting travel experience

African safari in Zambia, no lines or “traffic jams” to see the animals

Ever met anyone famous?

Sort of; I saw Nelson Mandela coming from his house in his car and he waved at us. I am still in awe.


Likes: Travel to exotic places, good food, reading

Loathes: Rude people, ignorant people, long lines

Favorite food: Malay, Thai and Vietnamese


Favorite restaurant: a little Malay restaurant at the V & A Waterfront, Cape Town

Something interesting that people might not guess about you

Although I’m German, I hate sauerkraut.

A place that you could visit over and over again and not get bored? why? 

Cape Town: the View, the food, so much to see and do

The most unforgettable view you’ve ever seen 

Hong Kong from Victoria Peak at night


A place you’ve never visited but really hope to get to


Maun Ferris

Travel Agent

How did you get interested in travel? 

My family fled Communist Laos after the Vietnam War, and I have always been grateful for the opportunities I have had thanks to that uprooting. Travel has long been my passion, and I find solace and joy in visiting new areas.

Favorite city or country? why? Cinque Terre, Italy for its stunning scenery, excellent food and friendly people.

Best or most interesting travel experience

Going on safari in Africa where I saw many different, large animals: rhinos, hippos, lions, zebras, giraffes, elephants and many more. Being very close to them was very exciting and the best experience I have ever had.

Ever met anyone famous?

Paul Newman. I waited on him when I lived and worked in Westport, Connecticut.


Likes: Trying international foods, sharing travel tips, helping people prepare for a trip

Loathes: Waiting, people who miss meetings or are always late, food going to waste

Favorite food: Italian/Mediterranean


Favorite restaurant: any French restaurant in Laos – they’re fabulous because of the French influence there

Something interesting that people might not guess about you

I love Brazilian Jujitsu

A place that you could visit over and over again and not get bored? why? 

Africa because there’s so much to learn and so many places to explore

The most unforgettable view you’ve ever seen

Eight lions from about 30 feet away, it was both unforgettable and scary


A place you’ve never visited but really hope to get to

Machu Picchu and an Amazon River cruise

Linda Margolin

Travel Agent

How did you get interested in travel? 

Always loved Geography and History and had a passion to see the World.

Favorite city or country? why? 

Sydney, Australia. Its beauty and upbeat energy, along with its fascinating history, are dear to my heart. Also, my family lives there.

Best or most interesting travel experience

Exploring the Sarawak River in Borneo and staying with the Iban tribe

Ever met anyone famous? Yes, Theodore Bikel. It was so touching his sharing his love of music with me and personally playing for me.

Likes: Traveling, cooking, theatre

Loathes: Long lines, crowds and rude people

Favorite restaurant: Doyles - Sydney, Australia

Something interesting that people might not guess about you

I used to be a dancer.

A place that you could visit over and over again and not get bored? why? Australia because of its unique wonders, history, animals and places to discover

The most unforgettable view you’ve ever seen. 

Flying via helicopter over Queenstown, New Zealand

A place you’ve never visited but really hope to get to


Linda Griffin

Travel Agent

How did you get interested in travel? 

An aptitude test at the time of my divorce directed me to a career in travel.

Favorite city or country? why? 

Italy because the Italian people are so warm and friendly. The Italian government actually gave me an escorted private seven-day trip to Tuscany.

Best or most interesting travel experience

Taking a group down the Amazon River

Ever met anyone famous?

I traveled in Italy with Kathy McCabe, who writes and publishes the “Dream of Italy” newsletter and now has a PBS series with the same title.


Likes: Reading (five books a week), theater, jazz

Loathes: opinionated people, snakes, extreme heat

Favorite food: homemade pasta


Favorite restaurant: Ristorante Belvedere in Cinque Terre

Something interesting that people might not guess about you

I was raised with Sam Elliott. My stepfather was the fish and game supervisor in Sacramento; Elliott was his boss’s son. We fished, trapped and roamed the countryside together.

A place that you could visit over and over again and not get bored? why? 

Hawaii, the Big Island: after 40 years of exploring I still always experience something new, and this island holds the mystery of the ancient kahunas.

The most unforgettable view you’ve ever seen 

Sunset in Rome from il Vittoriano


A place you’ve never visited but really hope to get to


Carolyn Makin

Travel Agent

How did you get interested in travel? 
My dad was a private pilot and he took our family on a trip across the United States. Flying over the country at low altitude gave me the bug to see not only my country but as much of the world as I could. So, when I was in college, I took six months off and youth-hosteled my way through Europe.

Favorite city or country? why? 
So far, Scotland. I love the varied landscapes, seeing the farms and visiting friends there.

Best or most interesting travel experience
The six-week road trip I took with my husband across the U.S. three years ago. I loved the amazing landscapes, visiting historical sites and seeing the wildlife. It was a lot of fun because sometimes we just made a spur-of-the-moment decision to stop somewhere that wasn’t on our itinerary.

Ever met anyone famous?
Ronald Reagan when he was Governor of California and Gerald Ford when he was President and visited San Jose. Because both situations were small informal gatherings, I got to see how down-to-earth these men were.
Likes: Reading, planning my next travel experience (will it be a cruise?) and visiting family and friends

Loathes: Lima beans, being late, bad drivers

Favorite food: Prime rib—where’s the beef!
Favorite restaurant: the Tonga Room at the Fairmont in San Francisco 

Something interesting that people might not guess about you
I once went on a 10-day cattle drive in Nevada. It was the most relaxing vacation I have ever had. My only responsibilities were making sure my horse was well cared for and keeping the cattle moving along.

A trip that you could do over and over again and not get bored? why? 
Europe by rail, my own Hop on—Hop off, and not on a high-speed train because I want to see the countryside.

The most unforgettable view you’ve ever seen 
Sunset in Hawaii
A place you’ve never visited but really hope to get to
Australia and New Zealand

JoAn Smith

Travel Agent

How did you get interested in travel? 

From childhood I had another culture bred into me. My mother was French, and I was raised in part by my French grandparents. I lived and went to high school in Metz for a year. In Europe everyone travels, so I did too. Many years later, my life took a major turn and I found myself living and working in China. From then on the world has been my best friend. 

Favorite city or country? why? 

Paris is my favorite, not only for its incredible beauty, style and romantic essence but also because it is part of my yearly pilgrimage to France to visit family.

Best or most interesting travel experience

My travels in China were the most interesting for the simple reason that the culture itself was so completely different than anything I had ever experienced. Landing in Beijing I was engulfed in a whirlwind of new and exotic smells, sights and tastes of a civilization thousands of years old.

Ever met anyone famous?

I inadvertently met the President of Uruguay. Coming out of a restaurant with my friend and colleague Mike Hyman, we ran into a roadblock on the sidewalk, with men in dark suits and sunglasses awaiting the arrival of a motorcade of black SUVs. A well-dressed man walked right up to Mike and me and put out his hand. Mike shook it and walked alongside this important visitor into the building. I hustled to keep up, and we all squeezed into the elevator with several of the secret service men. After giving a speech, Mike and I went to say goodbye and the President gave me a sweet kiss on the cheek!


Likes: Traveling light, Champagne, the TGV, Parisian raindrops

Loathes: Lugging around a heavy suitcase, rude people, something that was really annoying on my last trip but I can’t think of it right now…

Favorite food: Too many to mention!


Favorite restaurant: Les Ombres in Paris, and my aunt Pepette’s kitchen—the best food, sorry you can’t try it

Something interesting that people might not guess about you

I have six toes on each foot! Ha, not really, I just have a quirky sense of humor. And I’m a total sci-fi geek. And I love ironing.

A place that you could visit over and over again and not get bored? why? 

Michigan, because my grandkids are there

The most unforgettable view you’ve ever seen 

The Continental Divide in the Arctic Circle


A place you’ve never visited but really hope to get to – the moon, for the view

Lee Stanford

Travel Agent

How did you get interested in travel? 

I was born with the travel bug.

Favorite city or country? why? 

New Orleans, it’s the best place to eat! I go every year.

Best or most interesting travel experience

That was back-to-back-to-back cruises through the Baltic –Amsterdam, Copenhagen and Ronne in Denmark, Berlin, Tallin (Estonia), St. Petersburg, Helsinki, Stockholm; Norway and its fjords and around Iceland; and several cities in Scotland, Dublin, Belfast, a few cities in England, Scilly, Guernsey and a return to Amsterdam. Only one non-stop flight to and from Amsterdam. Amazing trip!

Ever met anyone famous?

Many, the most interesting experience was with Truman Capote at the Heritage House in Mendocino. We had drinks by the fire in the lounge, then dinner at the restaurant.


Likes: cruising on luxury small cruise ships (make that LOVES)

Loathes: close-minded people and know-it-alls

Favorite food: anything for breakfast at Dottie’s True Blue in San Francisco; bananas Foster French toast at Elizabeth’s in New Orleans


Favorite restaurant: (Albion River Inn - but don’t tell anyone)

Something interesting that people might not guess about you

I am fifth generation Bay area – maybe you could guess from my name. I grew up in and out of Oakland (which is why I dance so good), and I do body and healing work, specializing in Body Symbology – how your biography becomes your biology.

A place that you could visit over and over again and not get bored? why? 

Cruising days at sea – the life of luxury where nothing must be done

The most unforgettable view you’ve ever seen 

Bora Bora from the air, with the atoll surrounding it and the OMG breathtakingly beautiful water in the Bora Bora lagoon.


A place you’ve never visited but really hope to get to – Lyon, France. It’s the culinary capitol. I only got to visit on a river cruise, and I want to stay for a week to eat.

Mike Hyman

Travel Advisor

How did you get interested in travel?

I started traveling at six months old, when my mother took me on a donkey through mountains in Mexico. My family went on transcontinental ocean voyages when I was a boy, and we spent months traveling around Europe in a VW van. I’ve always had the travel bug, and have visited more than 150 countries.

Favorite city or country? why?

Rome for all the history there; it’s eternal

Best or most interesting travel experience

Riding on a Royal Enfield motorcycle around Rajasthan

Ever met anyone famous?

I once dated Heather Thomas. I visited with Sarah Brightman on a Holland America Antarctic cruise.

Likes: TRAVEL, scuba diving, photography, flying

Loathes: People who don’t enjoy life and make excuses not to do things; parking tickets

Favorite food: Vietnamese

Favorite restaurant: Pho 54 in San Jose – “authentic” Vietnamese

Something interesting that people might not guess about you

I am a Rotary Club member and have participated in several humanitarian aid projects around the world.

A place that you could visit over and over again and not get bored? why?

India – it’s always interesting and everything about it assaults your senses.

The most unforgettable view you’ve ever seen

It’s a tie between Machu Picchu and Iguassu Falls

A place you’ve never visited but really hope to get to


Liz Harwood

Travel Advisor

How did you get interested in travel?

I got interested in travel by accompanying my husband around the world, first to US then to West Africa, the Netherlands, Brazil and Greece.

Favorite city or country; why?

I love Europe because of the beauty and the history. My favorite is usually my latest experience.

Best or most interesting travel experience

Driving a Volkswagen over the mountains from Lima to Cuzco seeing llamas on the mountains and local villages competes with cruising on Silversea above the Arctic Circle. Every day we went out on their rubber dinghies to look for polar bears, walruses and beautiful scenery. Waterfalls pouring out of ice cliffs were stunning.

Ever met anyone famous? If so, describe the experience.


Likes: Being out in wilderness watching wildlife.

The feeling of history coming alive in areas still steeped in the past.

Having a great meal with a wonderful view.

Loathes: Crowds of people, overpriced bad food, people who complain about the different customs of the new country they are in.

Favorite food: Anything fresh and tasty.

Favorite restaurant

One of my best memories was eating in Thornbury Castle in the UK. This might have been influenced by sitting and having a drink in front of a roaring fire while studying the menu.

Something interesting that people might not guess about you

I spoke Portuguese.

A trip that you could do/place that you could visit over and over again and not get bored; why?

Sorry, actually I like to do new things! But there are so many places in Europe that I haven’t seen yet. Each little hill town in Italy has its own charm.

The most unforgettable view you’ve ever seen.

Sunset from the balcony of my house on the beach in Sierra Leone. The whole sky would turn a beautiful shade of violet.

A place you’ve never visited but really hope to get to

Leona Karayan

Travel Advisor

How did you get interested in travel?

I always loved history and geography in school. Both my husband and I are travelers. We love seeing the world and meeting people from different lands.

Favorite city or country? why?

Every time we return from a wonderfully interesting place, having thoroughly loved every minute of the trip, we count our blessings to be living in California USA.

Best or most interesting travel experience

Turkey. Fro the first time I visited 31 years ago it has fascinated me: its history, landscape, people. It is an open air museum. My father-in-law was born in Gaza Eintep near the Syrian border; maybe that has something to do with the attraction.

Ever met anyone famous? Yes, Harry Belafonte, and meeting him was a pretty crazy experience. I was very starstruck when I bumped into him in a Vegas casino. All I could say was, "May I have your autograph?" I had no paper and no pen. He was so gracious. He tore a corner of paper off something and asked a waiter for a pen, which promptly fell apart. He wound up signing his name with the cartridge. I still have that little piece of paper.

Likes: Real people, traveling, decorating

Loathes: Prejudice, impatience, people who make fun of others because they are different

Favorite food: Can't decide between Italian and French. And of course chocolate!

Favorite restaurant: Little restaurants in out-of-the-way villages in France, Italy and Spain. At home, it's Le Papillon.

Something interesting that people might not guess about you

I used to do lunchroom fashion shows.

A place that you could visit over and over again and not get bored? why? Hawaii because to me it's the most relaxing place. For some reason whenever we land at Honolulu airport I feel relaxed. I guess it's the fragrances, the temperature. Even with the crowds in the airport, I feel relaxed.

Most unforgettable view you’ve ever seen

Iceland's Thingvellir National Park -- Continental drift which you can walk through, The European and North American tectonic plates are moving apart and will someday split Iceland in half.

A place you’ve never visited but really hope to get to -- Machu Picchu and the Galapagos Islands

Laurie Cava

Travel Advisor

How did you get interested in travel?

I always loved history and geography in school. Both my husband and I are travelers. We love seeing the world and meeting people from different lands.

Favorite city or country? why?

Every time we return from a wonderfully interesting place, having thoroughly loved every minute of the trip, we count our blessings to be living in California USA.

Best or most interesting travel experience

Turkey. Fro the first time I visited 31 years ago it has fascinated me: its history, landscape, people. It is an open air museum. My father-in-law was born in Gaza Eintep near the Syrian border; maybe that has something to do with the attraction.

Ever met anyone famous? Yes, Harry Belafonte, and meeting him was a pretty crazy experience. I was very starstruck when I bumped into him in a Vegas casino. All I could say was, "May I have your autograph?" I had no paper and no pen. He was so gracious. He tore a corner of paper off something and asked a waiter for a pen, which promptly fell apart. He wound up signing his name with the cartridge. I still have that little piece of paper.

Likes: Real people, traveling, decorating

Loathes: Prejudice, impatience, people who make fun of others because they are different

Favorite food: Can't decide between Italian and French. And of course chocolate!

Favorite restaurant: Little restaurants in out-of-the-way villages in France, Italy and Spain. At home, it's Le Papillon.

Something interesting that people might not guess about you

I used to do lunchroom fashion shows.

A place that you could visit over and over again and not get bored? why? Hawaii because to me it's the most relaxing place. For some reason whenever we land at Honolulu airport I feel relaxed. I guess it's the fragrances, the temperature. Even with the crowds in the airport, I feel relaxed.

Most unforgettable view you’ve ever seen

Iceland's Thingvellir National Park -- Continental drift which you can walk through, The European and North American tectonic plates are moving apart and will someday split Iceland in half.

A place you’ve never visited but really hope to get to -- Machu Picchu and the Galapagos Islands

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